? ??????????????Hello Kitty? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.2 (313 Ratings)??7 Grabs Today. 28384 Total Grabs. ????
??Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ????????????????????? ??????Pink Plaid Lights? ????? ?? ???Rating: 4.0 (3 Ratings)??6 Grabs Today. 2515 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Cod BLOGGER TEMPLATES AND TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?


This is our dog Flint hes an Irish Wolf hound and every one says hes huge but i dont think hes that big, but im used to him.Hes really gental though and he doesnt push you over or anything like that except from when he gets excited then he goes all phsyco and sometimes its pretty scary. When he wants to play with little dogs he gets down really low and it looks really funny!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Family

In my family there is three boys Dad, Jono and Daniel. and there are three girls Mum Tessa and me. My whole family including me love to go tramping and camping. My sister Tessa went with her friends and mum tramped into hope hut, they were going to tramp into pinnikles hut but it snowed there. The next tramp that my sister wants to do is Sabine Valley tramp because Sabine is her middle name. My brother Jono thinks hes awesome but hes not and he is obsesed with humvees so when hes older he wants to buy one he is also a great tramper. My other brother Daniel is good on the computer but not as good as Jono, Daniel is really good at skate boarding and putting things together but he can get abit annoying sometimes.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dunedin Camp

In term 4 on November the 17th we the year 7 and 8s went to Dunedin camp we went to st clair beach on the first day and wen we went down the steps a big wave came in and soaked me Angel Alysha Kylie and jessica it was so funny because mrs c told us not to get wet but since wew were already wet we were jumping the waves the water was freezing but we stayed in there only me Angel and Alysha went bak in the water. wen i was jumping a big wave it caught the bottom of my feet and i feel over it was so funny i got soaked every one was laughing at me. we also went to moana pools that day. one day wen we were going some were we got lost so we told everyone that we went to see a statue of a guy peeing its was funny. we also went to the aquarium that was really cool and interesting aswell. we also went bowling, ice skating, we went up bolwin st,we went to the art gallery and the museum as well well we were at the art gallery we painted pictures of fish Kylies looked really cool.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Friends

My friends are Angel,Kylie,Jessica and Alysha and we have lots of fun together and are always laughing. Kylie and me have been friends since we were three so we've been friends for eight years.


At school we are doing persuasive speeches mine is about texting and driving and its kind of long but it's really random.Our value this term is RESPECT and we had to do acrostic poems on respect mine is

Thought fullness

Every one in my class had to do one and some of them look really cool like my friend Kylie hers is really colourful and it looks awesome. We went to Tekapo and went ice skating awhile ago and in maths we did a geometry test and i got 100% on it i got every question right. In art we made 3-D fish and they look really cool i did a squid but most people did fish some people did sharks or crabs and every ones turned out looking really cool. A couple weeks ago the teenage skateboarding champion for New Zealand came to our school and did some tricks up on the top court and they looked awesome!!since term one we've been learning Spanish and its really cool im, quite good at it i can say hola yo llamo es Kimberley. Yo poser dos hermanos y uno hermana. Yo jugar cestopelota can lo escuela team. Mi favorito color es verde. Yo soy once anos. wich means hello my name is Kimberley. I have two brothers and one sister. I 1`8play on the basket ball team. My favourite colour is green. I am eleven years old. I also know alot more but i cant remember it.

On the last day of the assembly of the term i won an mp3 player, Because we have sticker charts and when you get 60 stickers you put your sheet of stickers into a box and at the end of the term our teacher Mr H pulls one out of the box and the one that he grabbed was mine so i won an mp3

My Favourite Movies

My favourite movies are Twilight,the Hannah Montana movie,stick it,transformers,transformers 2,step up, step up 2 the streets and when i was little i loved the movies the never ending story, the never ending story 2 and Charlotte's web.

My Favourite Music

My favourite type of music is pop,rock and country. My favourite singers are Taylor Swift,Miley Cyrus,Gin Wigmore,Pink and Jordan Sparks. My favourite bands are smash proof,star ship cobra, Flo Rida, black eyed peas and nickleback.My favourite songs are i gotta felling by black eyed peas, im a korean,death dance of the frog fish, the climb,you'll always find your way back home and party in the USA by Miley Cyrus, You belong with me and love story by Taylor Swift,good girls go bad by star ship cobra,funhouse by Pink battle field and one step at a time by Jordan Sparks,brother and ordinary life by smash proof, jump by Flo Rida and rock star by nickle back.

My Favourite Books

My favourite books are twilight,new moon,eclipse,breaking dawn,Nancy drew series,charlie small series and when i was little i loved the book i can fly!

Mums Weaving

Mums Weaving
This is a weaving that my mum did.